♥The Important Stuff♥

Sunday 15 August 2010

Mmmmm Shoooooes

It's been a long time since I've blogged, or in fact done anything vaguely SL related, and I'll be honest with you, it's because I kinda lost interest!

Yes. You heard right.
I just couldn't drag myself away from the tons of RL stuff I had to deal with, and when I did get to sit down, all my mind could cope with was silly little facebook games or a book. So I neglected SL, and gave RL some TLC.

Luckily, I wasn't forgotten by the lovely ladies over at Abomb, and whilst I've been gone they've filled my folders with lots of prettiness! So I've spent this morning playing with my dressup avi, and fallen in love with near enough everything they sent.
Of course, I don't wanna pile you with pictures, so here's my favourites, and I totally suggest getting on over there and grabbing everything they have! 

Abomb -

Shape - Own
Skin - Exodi - Eden V2 Clove
Hair - Phylotic Energy Enda 2
Dress - Abomb She's Got You
Shoes - Abomb Sydd Wedges


Style 2

Shape - Own
Skin - Exodi Eden v2 clove
Hair - Phylotic Energy Enda 2
Tank - Abomb Geekgasm Hunt gift
Shorts - Abomb Plaid Shorts in Blue/Brown
Shoes - Abomb Kelly Shoes

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