Updated - May 13 2013
Dial G For Girl is a shared, "for fun" Second Life blog written and maintained by a group of friends.
Review Copies
All of the G for Girl bloggers love to shop. That is why we are here, sharing our finds with you and hopefully directing you to some amazing new places. We only review what we like, and we buy the things that we like. Therefore we do not go out of our way to request review copies.
However, we do happily accept review packs, press releases and blogger invitations to events. There are many things that we do miss, and we want to help you to promote your creations and events. So please check below for our review policy.
1. We happily accept review packs, press releases and event invitations. To ensure the best chance of your item being posted please drop the information onto the correct person in world.
Tracy Rubble
Accepting - Press Releases. Hair - All styles and colours. Skin - All tones. Clothing - High fashion, casual, gowns, dresses, funky, disco, fashion. Shoes - all styles. Accessories - all styles. Other - Homewares, breedables, prefabs, pets, gadgets (anything goes).
Events - Discount/Sale events, Charity events, Gacha
Style - Look of the day, artistic posts, location shots and some reviews. Edited pictures.
Ephedra Loon
Accepting - Punk and goth styles, latex, biker, lingerie. Hair - Preferred black or white. Skin - Pale tones. Other - Homewares. Gadgets, Anything biker/goth/native american.
Events - Discount/Sale events, Hunts, Charity events, Gacha, Fairs.
Style - Mostly reviews, unedited pictures.
Wendy Densmith
Accepting - Teenwear. Clothing - Anything suitable for 14-18 year old avatars that is stylish, casual, cute or funky. Nothing excessively low cut or 'sexy'. Hair - Red/Blonde Skin - Lightly Tanned. Other - Breedables, gadgets, homewares for teens, cute accessories.Events - Sales, family/teen events.
Style - Cute and colourful LOTD and reviews. Edited pictures.
AriaMaria Gracemount
Accepting - Childrenswear. Clothing/Avatar- Kids aged 4-10 years old. Anything cute, fun and aimed at children. Other - Toys, accessories and children's furniture.
Events - Kid events, family fairs, family hunts.
Style - Unedited pics, reviews.
If you are not sure, please contact Ephedra Loon or Wendy Densmith. If you do send your items to the wrong person and we are interested in blogging the item we will contact you and request that you send another copy to the correct blogger.
3. We cannot guarantee time scales for any items. We do aim to blog regularly at least every few days, but some items don't fit into the style we are posting and may take a few weeks.
4. For unsolicited review packs, we will try to give feedback where possible. But if the items are not in our styles, or we feel we cannot give the items a fair review they will not be blogged. This doesn't mean we don't like your items, it just means we didn't have time, or they didn't fit in with our style at that time.
5. Please mark all folders with Blogger, review pack or similar so it doesn't get lost.
6. Questions are always welcome, as is feedback on the posts. Please use the comments function.
Press Releases
We understand a press release is time limited. You want your release out as fast as possible to promote your event etc. If you have a press release, send it to Tracy Rubble in a folder called "Press Release - (Date)". We will try to post it to the blog as soon as possible.
We will not!
- Review stolen items, or items from a known thief.
- Review things we don't like
- Give a bad review (the only negative posts are Tracy's Rants which are not usually directed at anyone)
- Promise to review everything all of the time.
- Dismiss new creators (you will be treated the same regardless of how long you've been open)
- Take Bribes (Unless they're really good ones, chocolate works as does jewelry)